How to determine that the BIOS battery on the motherboard is dead

Hiss and whistles

If the radiator hiss or whistles, this is a sign of a water leak. Moreover, the leak can be anywhere in the heating system. Sometimes water comes out in a heating pipe embedded in the wall, and the sound comes from a radiator 10 meters away from it.

If you live in a multi-storey building and have not found an obvious leak in your apartment, talk to your neighbors. Maybe somewhere in a secluded corner they already have a puddle. If an obvious place is not found, you should check:

  • Parts of pipes embedded in ceilings and walls;
  • Common riser;
  • Places where the riser passes through the floors.

Analysis of the episode "On the Rayevsky battery"

Analysis of the episode "On the Rayevsky battery".

(after Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace")

The war of 1812 shook the whole of Russia, left an imprint on the fate of many people. She united the whole society, all the Russian people who stood up to defend their fatherland.

Tolstoy subtly felt this war, the mood of the people who took a direct part in it. In each episode of this war, he reveals the characters of the heroes.

Let's go directly to the episode of Pierre Bezukhov's arrival to the field of the upcoming battle. When Pierre first ascended the mound, he "froze with admiration for the beauty of the spectacle", he certainly wanted "to be where these smokes, these shiny bayonets and guns were." He stood enchanted by the solemnity that surrounded him, which also reigned in the soul of Kutuzov and his retinue. "On all faces now shone that hidden warmth of feeling that Pierre noticed yesterday." At this moment, Pierre feels like a part of everyone, and he wanted to take part in the upcoming events. A smile of joy and shyness did not leave his face before the start of the battle. But then he decides to drive closer. Having lost sight of his guides, Pierre is left alone and, having driven a little, finds himself on the Rayevsky battery, which later turns out to be one of the most important places of the Borodino battle.

The appearance of Pierre's "non-military figure" struck the soldiers unpleasantly. At that moment, he was confused: he was surrounded by disgruntled glances of people who did not understand why this fat man in a white hat was marking time here: “The soldiers, passing by him, looked askance at his figure in surprise and even frightened.” Pierre felt superfluous, “out of place and without work,” afraid to interfere with someone. He climbed the mound, settled down at the end of the ditch and with "an unconsciously joyful smile looked at what was happening around him."

But the attitude of the soldiers to Pierre soon changed, and this happened when they saw him walking calmly under the shots, "like on a boulevard." The soldiers took Pierre into their circle, giving him the nickname "our master". At first, Pierre was just fun for the soldiers, many made fun of him until Pierre spoke to them as an equal, "they did not seem to expect him to speak like everyone else, and this discovery made them happy."

This episode reveals the image of Bezukhov as a simple, kind person, devoid of class prejudices and aristocracy. Pierre liked the people around him. His joyous mood did not pass until he saw a dead soldier lying alone on the corner. Yes, Pierre had seen the corpses of people before, but did not focus on it. And now he sat and looked at the faces around him, the actions of people, their behavior.

Bezukhov was amazed that the soldiers were talking to each other with laughter, joking. They laughed at the passing shells.With each core that hit, revival flared up more and more: "More and more often, brighter and brighter, the hidden, flaring fire flashed on the faces of all these people (as if in response to the ongoing) lightning." Bezukhov did not look at the fire blazing on the battlefield, he was absorbed in contemplation of what was happening at the battery, he felt that the general revival "flared up in the same way in his soul." Pierre saw before him soldiers who were not so much afraid of death as did not want to notice it. But the bullets and shells still hit the intended targets, into those people who, just a minute ago, also laughed with them.

The feeling of solemnity gradually faded in him, instead horror came. Pierre watched the battle, as the wounded and the dead were carried out of the inferno at every minute.

But the strongest impression was made on Bezukhov by the death of a young officer who was standing next to him, "everything became terrible, vague and gloomy in Pierre's eyes."

Suddenly, when Pierre ran to help the soldier bring new cartridges from the reserve, an unexpected terrible push threw him back to the ground. This explosion made Pierre look around. Everything he saw terrified him, he was mad with fear.

Pierre runs away from this terrible place where his eyes look, and at that moment he collides with a French officer. Perhaps Pierre did not understand that the enemy was in front of him, but he instinctively began to defend himself, grabbed the officer by the throat and began to choke him. “For a few seconds they both looked with frightened eyes at the faces of each other, and both were at a loss for what they had done and what they should do. "Am I taken prisoner, or is he taken by me?" - each of them thought. "

There is a clash of two people who became enemies in the Patriotic War of 1812. Tolstoy is trying to convey to us the meaning of this unreasonable, cruel clash, in which the one who is stronger remains alive. The events taking place forced them to go against each other, but, according to Tolstoy, this is inhuman. Both the Frenchman and the Russian, first of all, are people. Each of them has their own destiny, life, family.

Pierre could no longer perceive what was happening: "No, now they will stop it, now they will be horrified at what they have done." These two hours spent by Pierre at the battle site changed a lot in his soul. He saw ordinary people die, and he himself was almost killed. After everything he saw in the first real war in his life, Pierre understood the worthlessness and insignificance of his past life. The same thought appeared earlier, during the Battle of Austerlitz, and Prince Andrew. The events that happened to Pierre at the Rayevsky battery became one of the most important for his spiritual searches.

This horror that took place on the battlefield is difficult to convey in words, but Tolstoy succeeded. Let us ponder the words of the writer about the consequences of the battle: "Crowds of the wounded ..., Russians and French, with faces disfigured from suffering, walked, crawled and rushed on a stretcher from the battery." There are so many terrible things in these lines that have stirred the souls of many readers.

This episode shows Tolstoy's attitude to the war in general. He does not accept war, considering it madness. Tolstoy cannot justify murder, even if it is caused by patriotic feelings, because war is not a way out. You cannot throw people into the fire, condemning them to death - such is the conclusion of the humanist writer. This is what the author wants to tell us in this episode.

Before War and Peace, there was no work in Russian literature where the feelings of the people would have been conveyed so faithfully, and most importantly, would have been so close to the author.

Posted date: 13.02.2003

Murmur, rustle. Gurgling, the sound of pouring water in the battery

When such sounds appear, the reasons may be as follows:

  • The appearance of an airlock;
  • Littering of the heating system;
  • Deteriorated gaskets.

Airing the heating system - the most common problem of the appearance of extraneous sounds in the system.Air can appear due to poor water or heat transfer fluid quality. This is especially true for aluminum radiators. Highly acidic and alkaline water reacts with metal and produces gas, which creates a plug.

The second reason for the appearance of air is a poor-quality coolant. Over time, it can begin to break down and release oxygen or other gases (sometimes hazardous to health).

It is not difficult to find an airlock in the radiator. It is enough to touch it with your hand from above and below. If the battery is less hot in the upper part, air or gas has accumulated there.

If a Mayevsky tap is installed on the batteries, bleed the air from each individual radiator. Then wait 15-20 minutes and repeat the process. If there is no Mayevsky crane, the process will become more complicated. Read more about this in the article "How to properly bleed air from a heating battery with your own hands."

Clicks, knocks when heating and cooling

Sometimes extraneous sounds occur when the batteries begin to heat up or cool down. This is due to the fact that they do it unevenly. The metal expands when heated and contracts when cooled.

In this case, you need to lay gaskets between the brackets on which the battery is attached to the wall or floor and the radiator itself. These can be ordinary pieces of rubber with a thickness of 2-3 mm.


If you have cheap bimetallic radiators, extraneous sounds may occur due to their internal structure. The design of bimetallic radiators differs from the rest - they use two metals. If they do not fit snugly together, you will hear clicks when expanding.

Key ways to conserve power

When the cause is known, there are some additional steps you can take to keep your phone charged longer. These include the following:

  1. Making changes to the phone settings: - Disabling unnecessary animated functions (for example, on the screen or disabling the screensaver). They are not extremely important for the user, but they significantly affect the battery consumption, speeding it up; - Reducing the total number of application shortcuts located on the phone's desktop; - Change the brightness settings for the phone screen. This parameter has a rather strong effect on battery consumption and its reduction will significantly save this charge; - Turn off the auto-rotate screen function; - Adjustment of the screen auto-off time; - Turn off the vibrate on call function. This function is not very necessary, but it has a significant impact on battery power consumption. By turning it off, the level of energy conservation is significantly increased; - Monitoring the use of the speakerphone function; - Turn off auto-sync and background mode; - Turn off functions for working with the Internet and transferring data to other devices (4G, Bluetooth) when they are not actually in use.
  2. Store your phone in a warm place. In cold weather, the battery is discharged much more. But when stored in warm places, its charge will remain for a longer time.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow the user to keep the battery charge of his phone for a significantly longer period and use the necessary part of the phone's functionality. If necessary, the disabled phone functions can always be returned to use. But it is important to understand that the battery consumption will increase again. In order to minimize problems with the consumption of the phone's battery, it is necessary to monitor the state of the phone, select the optimal settings for its operation and remember these configuration schemes, monitor the absence of viruses in the device and promptly treat the phone from existing viruses. Then the work of the telephone battery will invariably please with its duration.

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Noise, hum, hum, extraneous sounds

There are many reasons for constant noise in heating radiators. Let's break them down in order:

Wrong pipe diameter

Sometimes heating pipes are of different diameters and are connected with adapters. Because of this, a pressure drop occurs and turbulences appear in the water or coolant. They lead to vibration and extraneous sounds.

Often, a change in diameter occurs due to clogged pipes. Deposits can build up on their inner walls. This leads to a decrease in bandwidth.

The only way to solve the problem is to cut the old pipes and install new ones.

Pressure drops

Vibration can occur due to pressure surges in the heating system. The reason for this is the uneven operation of the circulation pump.

If you live in an apartment building, you can install a bypass. It will help compensate for pressure drops. But it is best to contact the utilities.

If you have your own heating system, diagnose and prevent the circulation pump. And best of all, call a specialist. This can be done using service for the selection of private specialists PROFI.RU.

( 1 estimate, average 5 of 5 )

