Technical characteristics of bimetallic heating radiators

Comfort in a house is not only a modern interior design, comfortable furniture, eye-pleasing color combinations and texture of finishing materials, but also a comfortable room temperature. The climatic conditions of Russia dictate their own conditions: the premises have to be heated for almost 6 months a year, so the choice of heating means is not an idle question, but a purely practical one. A bimetallic radiator is a modern version of heating batteries that replaced the usual cast iron ones.

The high performance of the device is due to the combination of two metals, hence the name (“bi” in Latin means “two”). Steel-aluminum or copper-aluminum are used for the radiator sections. The structure can be on a steel frame or with steel-reinforced channels.

Which option should you choose? Is there a price difference between copper and steel heatsink? Are they suitable for domestic heating networks with their unstable pressure? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Steel heating radiators

Construction: wall-mounted, Connection: lateral, Height: 500 mm, Thickness: 100 mm 3800 RUB
Leroy Merlin is a large selection of radiators for heating. The Leroy Merlin catalog contains all types of radiators known today - aluminum, bimetallic, steel, cast iron. Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Heating radiators in Leroy Merlin will make your stay in a house or apartment cozy and truly warm. Commercially available radiators are characterized by increased thermal inertness, stable heat transfer and rather attractive design.

The characteristics of radiators are directly affected by the material from which they are made, this determines the main properties of heating radiators - heat capacity and thermal conductivity.


Of the technological shortcomings, if you do not take into account the relatively high cost, only two can be distinguished:

  • If we compare bimetallic radiators with aluminum ones in terms of rated power, then the second has a higher heat transfer coefficient. Therefore, in those cases when the main selection criterion is the total heat flux, aluminum will be the best option.
  • Compared to cast iron bimetallic batteries do not keep warm for so long, cooling down a little faster.

Of the bimetallic products on sale, they have the most optimal characteristics for both individual and centralized heating systems. They have incorporated the best of other metal batteries.

The few problems that can arise during operation are more often associated with installation errors or manufacturing defects. To avoid trouble do not purchase products from unknown manufacturers, even at the most attractive prices.

Cast iron heating radiators in Leroy Merlin

Types of cast iron heating radiators in Leroy Merlin

A feature of such radiators is their ability to remain heated for a long time, even after the heating has been turned off. Cast iron heating radiators in Leroy Merlin have an acceptable cost and a long service life of at least 50 years.

Typically, cast iron heating radiators in Leroy Merlin are divided into sectional and tubular. If we talk about sectional cast-iron heating radiators in Leroy Merlin, then they, as a rule, consist of seven sections. In order to increase heat transfer, sectional cast iron radiators are made ribbed. Very rarely, cast iron panel radiators are used in Leroy Merlin.

Advantages over other types

An objective examination reveals that bimetal equipment has many pluses with a minimum number of minuses.

  • High power... Compared to cast iron or steel, the heat transfer of bimetallic batteries is at least three times higher.
  • Light weight... Only aluminum is lighter than bimetal.
  • No internal deposits... Smooth steel walls do not trap silt and other debris, which cast-iron radiators cannot boast of.
  • Strength... Models made of cast iron and pure aluminum are not able to withstand water shocks of such a force as the steel core of bimetallic devices is designed for.
  • Durability... Inertness to chemicals and the quality of the coolant increases the service life of the bimetal. Aluminum has no such properties.
  • Corrosion resistance... Neither cast iron nor aluminum can be compared with this indicator.
  • Small volume of coolant... In radiators made of other metals, water circulates ten times more, which means that they heat up much more slowly.

Bimetallic heating radiators in Leroy Merlin

Types of bimetallic heating radiators

The bimetallic radiators include cast aluminum casings and steel pipes for hot water circulation. The coolant does not come into contact with the aluminum body in any way, which excludes the appearance of corrosion in heating devices.

Bimetallic heating radiators in Leroy Merlin are made on the basis of two metal alloys. Hence the name bimetal. The service life of heating devices of this type is at least 20 years. The use of bimetallic heating radiators in Leroy Merlin saves energy resources by more than a third. Thanks to the aluminum casing, maximum heat dissipation is achieved. The number of sections is selected at your discretion, the more sections the greater the heat transfer.

The best manufacturing companies


The most common among domestic manufacturers.

It is located in the Orenburg region and produces radiators costing from 500 to 900 rubles per section. RIFAR MONOLIT was named the best model of this company.


Mainly, it is worth noting this company, because it was its employees who created bimetallic products. Also, you can pay attention to the products of the Global Style and Radena brands. Their cost ranges from 700 to 1500 rubles per section.

Consider several models with the same center distance of 500 mm, and the number of sections - 4:

ModelPowerThe sizeThe weightThe cost
STYLE 500672 Wt575/80/320 mm7.6 kg3800 rubles
STYLE PLUS 500740 Wt575/95/320 mm7.8 kg4100 rubles
BASE50004816 Wt575/100/320 mm5.16 kg2000 rubles
Sira RS-500796 Wt572/95/320 mm7.8 kg3700 rubles

Aluminum radiators for heating in Leroy Merlin

Types of aluminum radiators

In the Leroy Merlin chain of stores, you can buy aluminum radiators of two types: extrusion and cast. In the first, the section has several interconnected elements, as for cast aluminum radiators, here each section is a complete structural element.

Cast-type aluminum heating radiators in Leroy Merlin are capable of withstanding pressure surges up to 20 atmospheres, extruded ones have a greater strength reserve, they can withstand pressures up to 40 atmospheres.

The cost of aluminum radiators is quite acceptable, they are easy to install as they are lightweight. Aluminum radiators for heating in Leroy Merlin are distinguished by high heat transfer, and these products also have an attractive appearance. Cast-type aluminum radiators are more reliable, since they do not have butt joints. Over time, such units go out of normal operation, the system may be depressurized. The number of radiator sections is selected based on the area of ​​the room, with an increase in the number of sections, the heating area increases.

How Do I Pick a Good Bimetallic Battery?

To buy a good heating device, it is important to pay attention to the type of equipment and the company. The main difference between these units is the material. It is he who influences performance, as well as wear resistance. Best of all, modern bimetallic models meet these requirements.which have the maximum number of advantages and the minimum of disadvantages. Only these batteries are capable of withstanding high pressure.
The main challenge faced by the consumer concerns the ability to visually distinguish between aluminum and bimetallic batteries. This can be done only by weight. So, the difference will be about 50%.

It must be remembered that bimetallic batteries can be divided into 2 groups:

  • models made on the basis of a steel frame;
  • units in which steel pipes function as channels.

In the first case, direct contact of water with aluminum is excluded, which helps to avoid corrosion. When choosing a second unit, remember that when the steel tab is displaced, the lower collector may be obstructed... If you want to purchase the first option, pay attention to the weight of the product and its price.

It is very important to correctly determine the number of sections. For this you need to pay attention exclusively to the power indicated in the equipment passport... It should be remembered that the calculation is performed separately for all rooms. The formula is pretty simple. So, you need to multiply the area of ​​the room by 100, and then divide by the power of the radiator. The resulting number must be rounded up.

Steel tubular heating radiators in Leroy Merlin

Types of steel tubular heating radiators

Steel tubular radiators are non-separable structures, which are vertical tubes connected to form collectors. Very good water circulation is achieved due to the upper and lower collectors. Heat transfer is proportional to the heating area - the more tubes, and the larger their cross-section, the more the area of ​​heat transfer and, accordingly, the heating of the room increases.

There are certain standards by which steel tubular radiators are manufactured. In Leroy Merlin, batteries of the following parameters are presented:

Height, mm.Working pressure, atm.Number of tubes, pcs.

The difference in the domestic and foreign manufacturer of steel heating radiators is that Russian radiators have a wall thickness of 2 mm and operate up to 25 atm., While foreign counterparts have a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and have a working pressure of up to 22.5 atm.

Now another type of heating devices is becoming popular - water heating convectors. Their difference from classic heating radiators is that they can be selected and manufactured according to the individual size of the place where they will be installed.

Heating radiators in Leroy Merlin are attractive at an affordable price. In its formation, there is no such component as the services of intermediaries, all products are sold at the manufacturer's price. Thus, radiators are available to almost everyone, regardless of income level.

To the begining

Algorithm for calculating the number of batteries by thermal power

It is important to correctly determine the number of batteries required to maintain the optimum temperature during the cold season.

Calculation based on indicators of the thermal power of radiators. The installed devices must fully compensate for the heat loss arising from the passage of the circuit.

Photo 4

For example, you can consider a certain room in an insulated house in a temperate climatic zone, for which there is a standard power value at 41 watts per cubic meter.

All parts of the dwelling (floors, ceilings, walls, windows, underground floors and attics) must be insulated so that heating is directed specifically at the dwelling and not at the environment.

To determine the total required power of the radiators, the formula is applied:

Q = 41хVwhere

V - the volume of the room.

If you calculate the number of radiators using different coefficients, then you need to proceed from the relative value 100 watts, which is conditionally necessary for heating each meter of the area of ​​the room.

The formula is applied:

Q = (100xS), Where

Photo 5

S - room size, sq. m.

Further, the result is changed by multiplying by odds (determined by specific conditions), which will help to clarify the calculation and make it as close to reality as possible.

When calculating, it should be remembered that errors are better taken into account in the direction of increaseas the lack of heat will be more difficult to correct.


The following factors apply.

Cardinal points

The coefficient depends on which side the windows of the room are facing. R... If they go to:

  • south - the value is 1;
  • west1 (if the area is closer to the north and the day is short, then 1,05);
  • East1,1;
  • north1,1 (in northern latitudes even more - 1,15).

And also, if necessary, the coefficient is increased in areas characterized by strong winds - by 20%.


Photo 6

The influence of the walls is indicated by the coefficient "TO"... It rises depending on the number of walls facing the street.

Every outer wall will enlarge it on 10%. Accordingly, the four outer walls will be reflected in the calculations with the value 1,4.


High-quality wall insulation can reduce the number of radiators, which is indicated by the coefficient U.

This value is equal to one when the walls are insulated according to the climate. If professional insulation has been carried out with preliminary calculations, then the value of U decreases up to 0.85.

With "cold" walls, the coefficient increases up to 1.27.


This factor is included in the calculations as T... The indicator has a value equal to 1if there is no thermometer on the scale less than 20 ° С... This temperature regime is considered normal.

Photo 7

If, according to the average indicators of frost in a particular area, the value does not exceed 15 ° C, then T is 0,9... Average value in -10 ° C will reduce the coefficient to 0,7.

In the north there will be more T:

  • down to -25 ° C - 1.1;
  • down to -35 ° C - 1.3;
  • below -35 ° C - 1.5.


The ceiling height also affects the number of radiators. Denoted by a letter H: The indicator is formed as follows:

  • up to 2.7 m - 1;
  • up to 3 m - 1.05;
  • up to 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • up to 4 m - 1.15.

Every half a meter heights are added 5% to the coefficient. For even higher ceilings, the value 1,2.

Ceiling and floor

Photo 8

The coefficient should be taken into account Wreflecting the presence of a warm or cold attic and floor.

The magnitude of the correction depends on the degree of isolation of these rooms from the cold:

  • unheated and unheated attic - 1;
  • insulated attic without heating - 0,9;
  • insulated attic or room above0,8.

Uninsulated floor will increase the value by 40%, if there is thermal insulation, then only by 20%.


The quality of the frames introduces an amendment into the calculation, denoted by the letter G.

  • double-glazed window - G = 1 (three-chamber package reduces G to 0, 85);
  • old frame - G = 1,27.

Number of windows

Photo 9

The level of heat loss is affected by the number of windows in the room, the coefficient is indicated by the letter X.

For the ratio of the areas of windows and rooms, a norm has been established: when dividing the area of ​​windows and a room, the resulting value should not exceed 0,3. In this case X = 1.

  • up to 0.4 - 1.1;
  • up to 0.5 - 1.2.

If the windows are panoramic, then 10% for every tenth when calculating the ratio of areas.

The X value also increases the door to the non-insulated balcony - it is added 30%.

External factors

The quantity Y reflects the presence or absence of obstacles to the movement of warm air:

  • if the battery is installed under the windowsillthen this is the standard arrangement, Y is 1;
  • if the radiator open from all sides, then the coefficient becomes decreasing - 0,9;
    Reference! The appearance of the radiators allows their use without masking, additional screens, this increases the efficiency of heating.
  • fences, curtains, covers increase Y.

Battery connection

Photo 10

The quantity Z reflects how efficiently and technologically correct the radiator is connected:

  • use of trick "diagonally" considered standard (Z = 1);
  • "From the side" - a technique used with a small length of pipe supply (Z = 1.03);
  • "Double-sided bottom" - a common method, used when using plastic pipes (Z = 1.13).

Installation and operation rules

The installation process of heating radiators is based on their technical characteristics and is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Flushing the instrument

Before starting the main work, heating communications must be rinsed with a non-alkaline solution.

In order to exclude the leakage of the coolant, in no case should the contact surfaces be cleaned with materials with abrasive particles.

Exhaust valve

Each battery is equipped with a valve to release air from the battery. The correctness of its installation is regulated by a multi-start thread, while the tightening force is limited to a value of 20 kg. To avoid contamination of the working area of ​​the valves, the supply system risers are equipped with special filters.

A properly installed exhaust device is closed after air bleeding, while the radiator must be completely filled with coolant.

Distance from planes

At the stage of drafting the project, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations regarding the distance of bimetallic radiators from the bearing planes (at least 3 cm from the wall, at least 10 cm from the floor and window sill).

Installation steps

The entire installation process can be divided into several stages:

  1. marking the places on which the brackets will be fixed;
  2. installation of brackets with dowels or cement mortar;
  3. installation of the radiator by hanging the horizontal intersection heads on the brackets;
  4. connecting the battery to the communication using a tap or a thermostatic valve;
  5. installation of an exhaust valve on the top of the battery.
( 2 grades, average 4.5 of 5 )

