What heating is better for a private house, comparison of heating systems

Basic cottage heating options

When planning the construction of a private house or moving from a city apartment to a country cottage, we estimate not only the size of the initial construction or renovation costs, but also the cost of maintaining such housing.
And it differs significantly from the cost of operating a city apartment. And one of the main cost items here is heating costs.

Consider and compare the main options available for organizing heating in a cottage.

comparison of cottage heating options

Stove heating

This method of heating housing can be safely ranked among the most ancient. Having originated many centuries ago, stove heating is still very relevant today. The reason is simple - it rather quickly helps to heat the house, and firewood - the main fuel used in stoves - is not uncommon. On the other hand, it is quite difficult today to find a good master stove maker who can lay out a high-quality and, importantly, safe stove.

heating a wooden house options
Heating a private house with a stove

After all, often mistakes made during the construction of the furnace became the cause of irreparable trouble. Many people call the main disadvantage of the stove that it heats up the house unevenly, especially if it consists of 3-4 rooms. A stove heating system in a wooden house can be a good solution for a country house, which will be quite rare in the cold season.

The main options for heating a cottage 1. Main gas

This solution seems to be the simplest, but it can only be so if the site is initially gasified. Otherwise, the cost of laying the pipeline can range from 500 thousand to three million rubles per household: it all depends on the size of the village, the distance of the gas pipeline and other conditions.

Actually, gas is still the cheapest type of fuel in Russia, but the ruble cost of its production is growing, and world prices are showing a downward trend. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the situation for a long time. We proceed from the assumption that an adequate calculation of the cost of heating involves an analysis of costs for some fairly long period of time, taking into account repair and operating costs. In particular, for a country house, it is advisable to consider a 50-year period of operation.

We will assume that for heating a two-story cottage with an area of ​​300 m2 with a kitchen, an automatic boiler with a capacity of 15 kW is needed.

The cost of such equipment from well-known manufacturers today is about 30,000 rubles. It needs to be changed every 10 years, that is, over 50 years, at today's prices, 150,000 rubles will "run over". Taking into account the cost of annual service (approximately 5,000 rubles) - 400,000 rubles, or 8,000 rubles. in year.

With the cost of main gas 5.14 rubles / m3 (for the Moscow region) and the specific heat of combustion of 33,500 kJ / m3, the cost of 1 kW * h of heat will be no more than 59 kopecks (taking into account the actual efficiency of the boiler, which is approximately 92%) ... During the heating season, which, for example, in the Moscow region officially lasts 215 days, for a cottage with an area of ​​300 m2, the heat demand will be 85,000 kWh, which will cost about 50,300 rubles. Total, taking into account operating costs, we get 58,300 rubles.

In total, in the general case, we get 58,300 rubles. per year (provided that gas has already been supplied to the village).

Comparison of popular heating systems for a private house.

Comparison of the cost when using the main types of energy sources for heating a private house.

Actual data for the Leningrad region 2020 (for clarification and updating of template calculations)

Energy carrierUnitCalorific valueAverage unit costTotal cost
measurementsunits (kW)measurements (rub)1 kW on energy carrier (rub)
Suitable gascubic meter9,36,50,6
Liquefied gasl6,2233,6
Dry firewoodKg3,91,250,3
Diesel fuell11,9403,2

Here is an APPROXIMATE calculation of the cost of heating a house with an area 100 m² when using various types of fuel (electricity, diesel fuel, natural gas, coal, firewood, liquefied gas) and infrared heating systems.

When comparing costs, we will proceed from the same conditions: for the heating season, which lasts 7 months, our well-insulated house will need "conditionally" - 7000 kW

1. The cost of heating with a solid fuel boiler running on wood:

Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 0.3r = 2100r \ year... But in practice, these numbers never correspond to reality.

The thing is that the calorific value of firewood drops very much due to humidity and the type of combustion (especially long burning). This means, in order to get sane, we need to have a good boiler with high efficiency, necessarily a warm floor system, a mixing unit and a HEAT ACCUMULATOR, preferably 2 cubes! Only in such a system is it most efficient with complete combustion. The maximum efficiency of wood-fired boilers is designed only for complete combustion, the excess energy received is taken up by a heat accumulator. All boilers in the CONTINUOUS BURNING mode have a very low efficiency!

As a result:

The real average calorific value of firewood is less according to operating reviews, let's take an average of 5 times (if not more) - 0.7 kW / kg, i.e. the cost is approximately 1.6 rubles / kW.

Let's add 60% of the boiler efficiency here and we get the numbers that are already close to reality.

- to get our 7000 kW you need to burn about 11800 kW.

- the real average cost of kW in terms of calorific value is about 1.6 rubles.

Final calculations:

11800 kW x 1.6 rubles - 18888 p. \ heating season.

2. Costs for heating with a gas boiler running on natural (main) gas:

Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 0.6r = 4200r \ year.

Everything is much simpler here than with firewood. The calorific value of the gas is constant, the boiler efficiency is taken as an average of 90%. We also use "warm floor" for maximum efficiency.

to get our 7000 kW we need to burn about 7800 kW.

Final calculations:

7800 kW x 0.6 rubles - 4680 p. \ heating season.

3. The cost of heating with a solid fuel boiler fired with coal:

Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 0.6r = 4200r \ year.

Calculations for coal are more economical than firewood. Boiler efficiency is 60%.

- to get our 7000 kW you need to burn about 11800 kW.

- the cost of kW in terms of calorific value is approximately 0.6 rubles.

Final calculations:

11800 kW x 0.6 rubles - 7080 p. \ heating season.

4. Costs for heating with an oil-fired boiler:

Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 3.2r = 22400 rub \ year.

Calculations for diesel fuel are similar to calculations for a gas holder. The calorific value of the gas is constant, the boiler efficiency is taken as an average of 90%. We also use "warm floor" for maximum efficiency.

- to get our 7000 kW you need to burn about 7800 kW.

Final calculations:

7800 kW x 3.2 rubles - 24960 p. \ heating season.

5.Costs for heating with a gas boiler running on liquefied gas:
Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 3.6r = 25200r \ year.

Calculations for a gas holder are similar to calculations for diesel fuel. The calorific value of the gas is constant, the boiler efficiency is taken as an average of 90%. We also use "warm floor" for maximum efficiency.

- to get our 7000 kW you need to burn about 7800 kW.

Final calculations:

7800 kW x 3.6 rubles - 28080 p. \ heating season.

6. Costs of infrared heating with an infrared underfloor heating system.

Calculated figures according to the table 7000 kW x 3p = 21000r \ year.

Since the efficiency of the infrared floor heating system is 100%.

- to get our 7000 kW you need to burn 7000 kW.

Final calculations:

7800 kW x 3 rubles - 21,000 RUB \ heating season.

So it turns out that the option with a liquid fuel boiler loses to the option with main gas, which, in turn, is close in cost to coal. Why, then, are liquid fuel boilers often used to heat country houses? The fact is that not in all cases it is possible to connect to the gas main (even for a lot of money) or get the electrical power necessary for heating a house, and not many people want to constantly load firewood or coal. Not to mention cleaning the chimney and the boiler itself. But the biggest delusion was the so-called "cheapness" of firewood. And the actual small difference between wood and other alternative energy sources - more and more inclines the client to choose an "automated system" of heating.
Infrared heating system Heat Plus and Marpe black heat- shows high results in the above categories. On the basis of the results, the Heat Plus system becomes the best solution for heating small and medium-sized houses (up to 200 m2).

The estimated cost of heating systems for a house of 100 m2, (rub.)
Solid fuel boiler (coal) Diesel fuel Gas boiler (liquefied)Gas boiler (main)Solid fuel boiler (firewood) Infrared heating (warm floor)
For energy carrier per month10113565401166826983000
Costs for 7 months (heating season)7080249602808046801888821000
Maintenance costs for 7 months (heating season) 5000

boiler cleaning


boiler cleaning

5 000

boiler cleaning

5 000

boiler cleaning

5 000

boiler cleaning

does not require
Connection cost 250000

gas tank


trunk connection

Difference in heating prices per season (compare by the smallest)+2400+20280+234000+14208 +16320
Total for 10 years operation, including maintenance and taking into account the cost of connection120800299600580800396800238880 210000

What did we get in the end? Not at all obvious conclusions.

1st place - COAL... Great result! But the difference with electricity is 8920 rubles per year, objectively small money for the full automation of heating. So coal was in the first place purely nominally.

2nd place - ELECTRICITY... This is unexpected, right? But with a detailed correct calculation, it turns out that the cost is calculated over a long period and taking into account all factors, and not just the cost of the coolant!

3rd place - FIREWOOD... Quite expected. The same disadvantages as coal, only 2 times more expensive than coal!

Main gas, which seems to be the leader, lost in the category of small houses (up to 200 m2) due to high "overhead costs" - connection and project. However, in large houses, more than 300 m2, it will come out on top, which is quite logical.

Liquefied gas also lost for obvious reasons - this is the high cost of the gas tank, and, unfortunately, "mediocre gas quality". As a rule, the next filling of the gas tank is like a lottery or buying a "pig in a poke".

Diesel fuel has about the same results as liquefied gas, but has the advantages of inexpensive storage capacity, and the ability to "muddy" inexpensive diesel fuel is always present on the market.


So it turns out that the overpayment for using electric heating instead of coal is equal to 8920 rubles per year. Expensive or not - everyone's choice!



The main options for heating a cottage 2. Gas tank

If there is no main gas, you can store liquefied gas. Many do this, although this method assumes that a huge container with explosive liquefied gas will be constantly buried on your site.At a minimum, this requires a fairly large fenced area where nothing can be planted or built, and special security measures. In addition, an accessible source of liquefied gas is required with the possibility of delivery to the site.

The cost and efficiency of boilers for liquefied gas are about the same as for the main one. The installation of the gas tank will cost about 400,000 rubles. In terms of 50 years, we get 800,000 rubles, or 16,000 rubles. in year.

With the cost of liquefied gas 15 rubles per liter (with delivery within 100 km from a large city) and the specific heat of combustion of a propane-butane mixture of about 12.8 kW * h / l, we get the cost of 1 kW * h of heat at 1.23 rubles, which is equivalent to expenses in the amount of 104 550 rubles. in year.

And taking into account the cost of operation - 120 550 rubles. in year.

Fireplace heating

A more expensive and elegant method, which, nevertheless, is in many ways similar to stove heating.

Today, at the peak of popularity, fireplaces are a rather stylish, elegant piece of furniture, which is intended to emphasize the wealth of the owner of the house rather than heat the room.

The problem of fireplaces is the excessive consumption of fuel (coal or wood is most often used, although there are gas models). And the cost of creating it is quite high.

types of heating in a wooden house
A fireplace is not only a source of heat, but also a wonderful decoration for any interior

That is, the fireplace can be classified as a rather beautiful, but extremely impractical heating system. Therefore, often in houses where a fireplace is installed, there is a different, more reliable and high-quality heating.

How to choose heating for a country house?

The main options for heating a cottage 3. Diesel fuel

Diesel fuel is preferable to use in remote settlements, as it is usually easier to buy and deliver to the site. In addition, you can transport it yourself. The efficiency of a diesel boiler is several percent lower, it costs a little more (a 15-kilowatt boiler, about 40,000 rubles), and lasts a little longer - up to 15 years. An underground fuel tank with a supply system and installation will cost about 200,000 rubles. In addition, a diesel boiler is dependent on electricity: with frequent blackouts, you will have to take care of buying a generator. We will consider the cost of service to be approximately the same everywhere - 5,000 rubles. in year. If we operate with these figures, then the operating costs for 50 years at current prices will amount to 610,000 rubles. or 12 200 rubles. in year. The cost of diesel fuel for boiler houses, taking into account delivery, will be taken equal to 36 rubles. per liter (varies by region). The specific heat of its combustion is 10.3 kW * h / l. Those. the cost of 1 kW * h of heat, taking into account the efficiency of diesel boilers, will be 3.93 rubles, and the cost of the heating season - 333,800 rubles.

Taking into account operating costs - 346,000 rubles. in year.

Warm floor

Cable underfloor heating

Heating system underfloor heating is a heating electric cable or a cable with a liquid inside - an electric-water underfloor heating system.

Advantages of underfloor heating:

  • it is laid in narrow places where the film heat-insulated floor cannot be put;
  • create a comfortable floor temperature;
  • do not dry the air;
  • evenly warm up the room;
  • the work of the system is automated using a thermostat.

Cons of underfloor heating:

  • installation is more difficult than installing a film underfloor heating. But if the underfloor heating is a heating mat, then the installation is also not very difficult.

Underfloor heating is used in houses and apartments as the main and as additional heating.

The main options for heating a cottage 4. Solid fuel

In this capacity, firewood, pellets (briquettes) or coal can be used. However, you need to understand that a solid fuel boiler is not fully automatic. This means that someone must constantly work as a fireman. In the case of pellet boilers, the level of automation is higher, but the level of danger of fuel ignition is also higher.

Basic cottage heating options

This must be taken into account when using coal-fired boilers. Therefore, in both cases, additional security measures will be required. The cost of equipment varies greatly.For example, a 15-kilowatt boiler with manual loading will cost about 25,000 rubles, but the prospect of constantly running into the boiler room and throwing firewood or coal by hand is unlikely to smile at you. A boiler with automatic fuel supply can cost from 100,000 (pellet) to 200,000 rubles. (carbonic). True, they all serve for 20-25 years.

As a result, the operation of a wood-burning boiler will cost 6250 rubles. per year, automatic pellet - at 10,000, and automatic coal - at 15,000 (all - taking into account the cost of annual maintenance).

The cost of fuel depends significantly on the region. For example, in the Moscow region, 1 cubic meter (on average 650 kg) of birch firewood at a wholesale price today will cost 1,400 rubles. (we believe that when ordering a large volume at once, delivery will be free), coal of acceptable quality - 6,000 rubles. per ton, fuel briquettes - about the same price.

If we assume that the specific heat of combustion of firewood is approximately 3.4 kW * h / kg, coal - 7.5 kW * h / kg and briquettes - 5.6 kW * h / kg; that the efficiency of a wood-burning boiler is approximately 75%, and that of an automatic boiler is 80%; then we get the cost of 1 kW * h of heat, respectively equal to 0.84, 0.64 and 0.85 rubles. (firewood, coal and briquettes). That is, heating with wood will cost 71,400 rubles a year, and 54,060 rubles with coal. and briquettes - 72 420 rubles.

And taking into account operating costs: firewood - 77 650 rubles. in year; coal - 69,060 rubles. in year; briquettes - 82 420 rubles. in year.

Coal heating, as we can see, is cheaper than heating with other types of solid fuel, but firewood in 2020 has become more profitable than briquettes. But any solid fuel comes out more expensive than main gas.

Electric heating

Electric heating is only possible if there is an uninterrupted supply of electricity. This type of heating is resorted to in the absence of gas supply and the impossibility of constant monitoring of the heating system, as when using a solid fuel boiler.

It is generally accepted that electric heating in terms of operating costs is more expensive than gas and solid fuel. However, this is not entirely true if modern coolant preparation systems are used.

There are many options for electric heating systems, but only two types are suitable for hot water heating systems - electric boilers and heat pumps.

In addition to electric boilers with heating elements, which are uneconomical, there are electrode boilers and induction boilers. The efficiency of boilers of this type is close to 100%, which, in terms of operating cost, puts them on a par with solid fuel and gas systems. These types of electric boilers have advantages over gas and solid fuel: they have small overall dimensions and are easy to install, they do not require the installation of a chimney, electric boilers allow you to regulate the temperature in a very wide range. All these advantages lead to the fact that they are often preferred, especially if it is necessary to heat a small house.

Fig. 6.

Heating system based on an electrode heating boiler. Electric heating is very compact and easy to install. In the absence of gas, this is the simplest and cheapest option for a water heating device.

Another option for electric home heating is a heat pump. The heat pump extracts low-grade energy from the environment and converts it into heat. The most popular are heat pumps that extract energy from the ground or borehole. The recovered heat is transferred to freon, which is then transferred to the heating medium of the heating system.

The main advantage of heat pumps is the transformation ratio, which can reach 5. This means that for each kW of electricity invested, the heat pump generates 5 kW of heat.Thus, in terms of economy, the heat pump is significantly better than other types of electric heating.

Fig. 7.

Heat pumps are more economical compared to electric heating boilers. The low prevalence of heat pumps is due to their high cost and the complexity of the installation of the system.

The main disadvantage of the heat pump is the cost of the equipment and the complex and expensive installation associated with the laying of the external collector. However, if we are talking about the need to create a heating system for a house under gas supply conditions, then a heat pump is the best heating of a country house, both in terms of operating cost and ease of control.

If it is impossible to install a water heating system, an infrared heating system is a good alternative. Both separate infrared heaters and infrared film heaters are used. The most popular is the film type, because it can be installed hidden and not clutter up the living space. The foil can be installed under the floor or under the suspended ceiling. The latter option for heating is preferable, since furniture will not stand in the way of heat radiation. Such an electric heating system can be perfectly operated in any type of house (permanent or temporary residence).

Fig. 8.

The best heating with infrared heaters is the warm ceiling option. An infrared film heater installed under the decorative ceiling allows you to evenly heat the entire room.

Electric heating systems include all kinds of electric heaters. The most economical are convectors. However, they still lose to the considered heating systems in terms of electricity costs, therefore, it is advisable to use them to heat a house only as an additional heater or for temporary heating.

The main options for heating a cottage 5. Electric boiler

The cost of an automatic electric boiler of the power we need (30 kW) will be about 50 thousand rubles (it will have to be changed every 10 years). You will also have to pay extra for additional input capacity, which is at least 10 thousand rubles per kilowatt (we take into account the most reasonable prices on the market). The total cost of connection will be 300 thousand rubles.

The cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity in the Moscow region is 4.81 rubles / kW * h, the boiler efficiency is 99%. In total, we get the annual cost of heating - 413,000 rubles.

And taking into account the cost of equipment - 424,000 rubles. in year.

( 2 grades, average 5 of 5 )

