Can they turn off the heating for non-payment during the heating season

One of the most important problems faced by utilities is starting heating. The risk of errors in an apartment building is, of course, higher than in a private one. But in each case, it arises mainly due to non-compliance with the rules. To avoid unpleasant situations when heating is connected, you need to follow the sequence of necessary actions.

When the heating season begins, it often happens that the heat is distributed unevenly on the top floors. This is due to the too quick start of the heating system, which forms air jams, which interfere with the uniform heating of all apartments in the house.

When the heating season ends, the system remains inactive, due to which the pressure in it drops. That is why the question of how to do the heating correctly, as well as its further adjustment in an apartment building, is a rather urgent question.

How to start heating without making mistakes in an apartment building

So, in order for the heating system to function as efficiently as possible, you must first start it correctly. For those who do not know how to properly and safely start heating in an apartment building, the scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Carry out a slow start of the coolant into the system. Make-up pumps must be turned on at the lowest power so that filling takes place gradually.
  2. So that the order of actions is not violated, you need to fill the system through the return line. The bottom-up start system is suitable for all types of houses. With this type of operation, the coolant will smoothly displace the air that has accumulated during the entire period of inactivity of the system. By doing this, you can adjust the launch in such a way as to avoid air pockets.
  3. The next step is to get rid of the remaining air in the system. This is necessary so that the heating works correctly and there are no complaints about its malfunction for the entire subsequent season. This should be done in the attics of a multi-storey building, where the air collectors are located. On them, you need to lower the starting valve, waiting until the characteristic suite, which signals the absence of air, stops.
  4. Continuing to connect the system, you need to remove water from the system, finally getting rid of the remaining air. This must be done extremely carefully, using any container, so as not to flood the residents of the upper floors.
  5. If the house does not have an attic, the water must be drained on the top floor using Mayevsky's tap. The system is started only after this action.

How to top up the coolant

In addition to instructions for filling the heating system, it is necessary to know the correctness of the procedure for adding the coolant. This situation can occur 2 or 3 times during the heating season.

It is important to determine in time that the volume of water has fallen below the critical value. Depending on the type of heating, there are different procedures for filling the heating system

Closed heating system

The main indicator is a decrease in the pressure level in the pipes. For timely monitoring, several pressure gauges are installed in the system. One of them is necessarily located immediately after the exit of the hot coolant from the boiler. Also install a pressure gauge on the upper air valve. The drop in pressure in the system is the result of 2 factors - the occurrence of an emergency (leakage) or natural evaporation of the liquid.If this process occurs very quickly, it is most likely that the pipe has burst. A gradual decrease in pressure indicates a second factor.

The method of adding liquid completely repeats the procedure for filling with water any closed heating system. To do this, you can use hand pumps to fill the heating system (antifreeze), or use the central water connection.

Open heating system

It is recommended to fill an open heating system with water through an expansion tank. This can be done even with a relatively high temperature of the water in the pipes. This method has several advantages - controlling the level of the coolant in the system during filling and improving circulation due to the difference in water density.

There is a risk of failure of the boiler or heating radiators if additional filling of the open heating system with coolant occurs while the boiler is running. Therefore, this procedure is recommended to be performed when the water in the pipes reaches room temperature.

To choose antifreeze, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video material.

Ways to correctly connect the necessary heating radiators in an apartment building

If the heating is done correctly, the house is warm and comfortable. To achieve this, you need the correct connection of the radiators. There are many schemes for this action:

  • parallel connection;
  • diagonal;
  • one-pipe;
  • one-pipe with a jumper;
  • one-pipe bottom;
  • one-pipe bottom with a jumper or a tap;
  • two-pipe;
  • two-pipe bottom;
  • two-pipe diagonal.

Despite the abundance of radiator connection diagrams, in practice, one-pipe and two-pipe connections are used. In order to know how to set up, and then start heating in an apartment building, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type. The first connection method has several disadvantages, although it is less expensive. The main one is heat loss along the way. In this case, water is supplied from the basement to all floors vertically, enters each of the apartment's radiators, and, when cooled, enters the same pipe. Ultimately, almost cold water reaches the last floor, causing discontent among the residents of the house.

As for the two-pipe heating system, it can be open and closed. However, in any case, the level of heat retention is an order of magnitude higher than with a single-pipe scheme. This effect is achieved by the fact that the cooled water no longer enters the pipe, but leaves through the return channel. This keeps the order of supplying constant temperature.

How the heating level is adjusted in an apartment building

To adjust the heating system properly, pipes of different diameters are installed in an apartment building. The speed and pressure of the liquid together with steam, and, accordingly, the level of heat is directly related to the dimensions of the pipe opening. That is why, in order to ensure that the adjustment is carried out correctly, pipes of different diameters are used. The maximum size of 100 mm is located in basements. It is with them that the connection of the heating system begins. As for the entrances, pipes with a diameter not exceeding 50-76 mm are installed there to evenly distribute heat. However, this adjustment does not always give the desired heating effect. Residents of the last floors of the house suffer from this, where the temperature is significantly lowering. To regulate this process, use the start of the hydraulic heating system. This is the connection of the circulating vacuum pumps, which enables the automatic pressure control system to start. Installation, as well as subsequent start-up is carried out in the collector of a separate building. Accordingly, the order of heating distribution on entrances, floors in the house changes.If the number of floors is more than two, then it is mandatory to start the system together with pumping for water circulation.

The legal side of turning on and off heating in apartments

Who decides on seasonal heating switching on and off?

legal side of the issue

According to clause 2.6.9 of the “Rules and Norms for the Operation of the Housing Stock No. 170 of September 27, 2003, the dates for the start of the heating season in each region are set by local governments. This is formalized by a special legal act, which is published on official resources.

The Criminal Code and Homeowners' Association cannot independently decide when to turn on or off the heating in apartments, even in the event of a sharp cold snap. They must wait for the decision of the local administration and execute it.

When can I complain about late heating?

We already wrote earlier that leaving the issue of cold batteries in the apartment is not worth the conscience of the utilities. And nothing can be done before the official start of the heating season. The management company conducts the launch of the system in accordance with the deadlines set by the local authorities, and has no right to violate them. If the deadlines for turning on the heating have already passed, but the house is still cold, you need to call your management company or heat supply organization and ask when they will give heating. If you are not given a clear answer, you should file a complaint.

Where can you complain and what can you hope for in case of violations of the inclusion of heating in the apartment?

If there is no heat in the whole house, you need to contact your UK or HOA, call the emergency dispatch service. If there is no effect, you should contact the Housing Inspectorate, the city administration, Rospotrebnadzor. It is better to leave appeals on the websites of departments - they are obliged to consider them, and then report to the applicant about the measures taken. The last resort is going to court.

The management company is obliged to consider the claim to turn on the heating of the apartment building within 10 days and take appropriate measures. On the basis of this act, it will be possible to demand to recalculate the payment for heating for the entire period when there were problems with it.

For each hour of non-compliance of the temperature with the established norms, the size of the heating payment is reduced by 0.15% of the monthly payment. Therefore, the Criminal Code is interested in the prompt establishment of heat supply at home.

If the situation does not change, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. If the departments do not act, you can file a lawsuit with the requirement to oblige the Criminal Code not only to recalculate the payment for heating, but also to compensate for moral damage. The court decision is executed in 95% of cases. If this does not help, the residents of the house should hold a general meeting and discuss the issue of changing the Criminal Code or organizing TSN. This will be possible if the majority of owners vote in favor of such a decision.

When the law is on the side of the HOA

Note that the law allows "downtime" in the heating season, but it is very limited. This is provided in case of an emergency at the boiler room or a pipe break in the house, etc. It is indicated that 24 hours of downtime is allowed within a month at a temperature not lower than +12 degrees If the air temperature in the room is in the range from +10 to +12 degrees, then only 8 hours of "downtime" per month are possible. And if the temperature drops below +8 degrees, then no heating is allowed for only 4 hours a month. When the heating is turned on, and then turned off again for any reason, it can be called an interruption in work, but it can also be due to a sharp warming outside.

But if you observe interruptions in the operation of the boiler room and your batteries get cold from time to time at low temperatures outside, then you need to contact the responsible organization.It is imperative to react to such situations, since management companies often abuse and postpone the start of the heating season.

Instructions for filing a complaint about late heating

A complaint about the late turning on of heating is written in free form, there is no standardized form. Usually the document is drawn up as follows:

  1. In the upper right corner, the applicant indicates his personal data and the name of the organization to which the complaint is submitted. You must leave a phone number where you can be contacted in order to peacefully resolve the issue.
  2. Then the problem is described in detail. You should list the measures that you managed to take before drawing up the claim - where you applied, with whom you spoke. Make a list of documents attached to the complaint, if any.
  3. The next block lists the requirements. Write that you will go to court if no action is taken.
  4. Below is today's date and signature.

a complaint


A complaint about the late turning on of heating in the apartment is made in two copies. One is transferred personally into the hands of an authorized employee of the UK, TSN or heat supply organization, if the contract is concluded with it directly. The second copy, with a note of receipt, is kept by the applicant. If you refuse to accept a claim, you can send it by registered mail or electronically on the organization's website.

What kind of compensation can be expected in case of violations of the inclusion of heating in the apartment?

counting money together

The legislation allows the applicant to collect the following amounts from the Criminal Code:

  • 0.15% of the heating fee on an hourly basis, in excess of the standard allowing heating off in apartments;
  • 0.15% of the heating fee on an hourly basis, when the temperature of the premises does not correspond to the norms.

As for the recalculation, the tenant has the right to count on a large amount. For example, in the winter season, the management company issues an invoice for heating to the owner for 3000 rubles. At the same time, the rooms are cold. Not wanting to overpay, the property owner called the emergency service and took a measurement, which resulted in an act dated December 4. However, the company did not want to resolve the situation and increase the heating of the coolant to the established standards.

Thus, it is very simple to find out the amount of compensation for December: 3000 x (0.15% x 624 hours) = 3000 x 0.936 = 2808 rubles. The owner practically does not have to pay anything for a month, and this is fair, since he did not receive from the company the quality of services declared in the standards. Naturally, the Criminal Code and the housing and communal services agency will not return such money. That is why, most likely, the next stage of the proceedings will be the trial.


Although the law requires local authorities to determine the timing of the heating season, there is still room for deviations from this norm. If the communications are in order, checked for leaks and other malfunctions, the UK can start supplying heat without waiting 5 days with an average daily temperature of less than +8 degrees. It is also allowed by numerous requests from tenants.

There are several more important nuances associated with the beginning of the heating season:

  1. Heating supply later than 5 days with an average daily temperature below +8 degrees is a direct violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. For this, organizations that provide such a service face serious fines.
  2. If the apartment owners believe that the heating is turned on too late, they have the right to conclude an agreement with the heat supply organization. In it, you can register the exact dates of switching on and off. Then the heating will be supplied at the specified time without taking into account the outside temperature. However, you need to organize a tenant meeting and get the majority of tenants to give their consent in writing. This can be difficult to do.
  3. If the heating has already been turned on, but it is still cold at home, you should not immediately complain. The system is tuned by gradually increasing the pressure. Therefore, it sometimes takes several days for the batteries to get hot.
  4. It is forbidden to unauthorizedly digest pipes or install radiators with a large number of sections to make it warmer. This makes the temperature of the house more comfortable, but it can disrupt the operation of the heating system. Residents of other apartments will suffer - they will become cooler. Therefore, after some time, the relevant services become aware of such a violation. The owner will be fined and still obliged to return the old batteries.

Normative base

Relations in the field of heating residential buildings are regulated by several regulatory legal acts:

RF law on the side of citizens

  1. Federal Law of 27.07.2010 No. 190-FZ "On Heat Supply" establishes the rules of relations in the field of production, transmission, consumption of heat energy.
  2. SANPiN prescribes the permissible temperatures in apartments during the cold and warm seasons.
  3. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation defines the criteria for the quality of the provision of housing and communal services.
  4. Federal Law No. 416-FZ dated 07.12.2011 “On Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal” regulates legal relations in the field of water resources provision, requirements for water quality and safety.
  5. Federal Law of 07.02.1993 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights" lists the rules for interaction between sellers (executors), buyers.
  6. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354 "On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises in apartment buildings" calls the criteria for the quality of utility resources, the procedure for their payment, provision, responsibility of the parties, recalculation practice.
  7. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2012 No. 808 "On the organization of heat supply" contains the rules for heating consumers.

What is needed in order to carry out the correct connection of the heating system.

Requirements for the order of starting and correct operation of the heating system are regulated by the project documentation. In order to adjust the heat supply in an apartment building correctly, it is made in accordance with the requirements of this documentation. All radiators of the heating system have thermostats, thermal meters, balancing valves for manual as well as automatic start and control. Regulation of radiators does not require a special tool, it is made by the residents themselves. As for the start-up and adjustment of other types, they are made directly by professionals in this field. At the same time, the most efficient operation of the radiators is achieved, and, accordingly, the heating system itself as a whole.

Thus, in order to know exactly how to regulate the heating, as well as to carry out an even supply of heat in an apartment building, many details must be taken into account.


The heating system of apartment buildings with a centralized supply of heat carrier is fundamentally different from individual climate networks. Unskilled intervention and modernization can not only worsen the quality of heating in neighbors, but also lead to complete obstruction of pipelines.

Therefore, when performing any work, you must strictly follow the prescribed rules or use the services of qualified specialists. You can learn more about the engineering networks of high-rise buildings from the video posted in this article.

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