Simple and original fireplace design options

Decorating the fireplace area at the design stage

If you start the process of decorating the fireplace area at the design stage, then in the end you can get a real work of art. To do this, it is necessary to use the original design and finishing materials with an unusual surface, and the fireplace will become the central and brightest element of any room. To emphasize such a fireplace, a few things will be enough, or even do without additional decorative elements.

Logs in the decor of the fireplace area

Ordinary burning is the simplest and most natural element of the decor of the area near the fireplace. Neat, pre-cleaned of dirt, logs will perfectly complement the interior if they are tied up and placed in a special niche, or in the firebox, if the fireplace is out of order at a given time. To make the fireplace look more natural, you can use branches as decor elements.

Nuances for different types of fireplaces

In order to achieve a competent design of a living room with a fireplace, you should pay attention to the features of the room, its layout, dimensions, decoration and even the arrangement of furniture items.

When choosing a classic built-in fireplace, first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for installing the hearth. For safety reasons, a high-quality chimney and ventilation grilles must be equipped for proper air supply.

An electric model or a false fireplace is the most successful option for rooms with a small area. For these products, it is better to organize a place near the inner capital wall. The electric fireplace is very compact, safe, lightweight and does not cause any difficulties when renovating a room.

A gas fireplace has two functions at the same time, it becomes an original decoration and heats the room. Such a focus does not form soot and soot. There are open, closed, built-in and stationary models, which, due to their versatility, can be located almost anywhere, for example, near the hay or on a special stand.

The photo shows the design of a bright living room with an artificial false fireplace.

The bio fireplace is the ideal solution for the interior of an apartment. Such a product does not differ in special requirements for location and is absolutely harmless to the environment. An airy transparent eco-fireplace built into a wall partition looks truly original and unusual.

Reflective surfaces and mirrors

The most advantageous decorative elements are mirrors. The area near the fireplace, in this case, is no exception. For greater effect, the zone of the location of the hearth can be additionally revetted with panels having a reflective surface. A simpler decor option is a mirror in a beautiful frame, which is located above the portal. In addition, the mirror can now be matched to any stylistic design of the room. It can be a modern or classic version, a patinated mirror or a mirror with a 3D effect and various volumetric elements.

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Living room interior design with fireplace

The interior of the living room with a fireplace is very effective, but it requires a few rules to be followed. Live fire in any case becomes the center of attention in the room, be it an open hearth or a tiny bio fireplace on the table. Accordingly, its location and design cannot be accidental.

Living room interior design with fireplace

A room with a fireplace should be planned in advance.And not only when it is supposed to arrange a real hearth with a chimney, but also when a decorative version or biofireplace is installed.

Any of the options requires special design.

  • The layout of a living room with a fireplace should take into account this problem.... In a hall without a fireplace, the TV is the central element. In the living room with a hearth, the latter begins to compete with the TV. The best way to solve the problem is to hang a plasma over the fireplace in the living room. A flat large screen is visually perceived as a picture, and as a result, attention is not scattered. The next photo shows the design of a room with a TV over the fireplace.

Design of a TV room over a fireplace

  • If this is not possible, you can combine the hearth and the TV in one furniture complex.... This option is quite possible when the built-in hearth is placed between the wall elements.

The photo shows the design of a living room with a fireplace in the apartment.

  • The location of the screen and the fireplace on opposite walls is allowed... In this case, it is better to equip the living room with a corner sofa. It is not worth installing a TV on adjacent walls, since the decor elements will compete with each other.

The color scheme of the design also matters. A living room in light colors can be equipped with a fireplace of both a shade close to the wall decoration, and a constant one - dark or, less often, a bright color. But the portal of a color close to furniture is more suitable for an interior in muted dull colors.

The design of the fireplace can be very diverse. However, the decor of the portal should be selected in accordance with the style of the hall. For example, for a classic-style room, portals made of materials imitating marble, wood, granite, decorated with carvings or moldings are suitable. And for a minimalist style, you will need a model completely devoid of jewelry, but made of stone with a complex spectacular pattern.

In the photo - designer fireplaces in a modern living room.

In fact, it doesn't matter if a real fireplace is set up, an electric heater is installed, or the wall is decorated with a false fireplace. The layout and design rules are the same for any modification.

Candles in the decor of the fireplace area

Another source of light and heat, candles, will organically look in the decor of the fireplace area. Candles can be used as single ones, set them for additional decor in beautiful candlesticks or create original compositions from them. Candles from the same collection, similar in shape and color, will look best in a fireplace decor.

Fireplace design ideas


Symmetrical decor

A special atmosphere in the fireplace area can be created by placing symmetrically identical decor items or furniture elements on both sides of the hearth. Such a technique is able to balance any space, help create an atmosphere of stability. Chests of drawers, wall shelves, shelves, floor vases, book shelves, figurines and much more are suitable as such items.

Pictures in the design of the fireplace area

Many people like to decorate the portal and the wall near the fireplace with paintings. Looks good as one picture of impressive size, on the wall above the portal, and a composition of several small pictures. When decorating a fireplace area in this way, it is necessary to look so that the plot of the paintings is harmoniously combined with the general interior of the room. Instead of paintings, you can also use family photos or framed prints. An interesting effect can be achieved by using empty frames as a decor for the fireplace area.

How to place a fireplace?

The hearth should be located so that it does not interfere with the practical use of the rest room.

Fireplace in the corner of the living room

The corner model has a special design that allows it to harmoniously fit into any type of living room interior.A similar fireplace can be decorated with any materials, put a couple of cozy armchairs next to it, or supplemented with a corner sofa.

In order to prevent the hearth from getting lost in the room, it should be equipped in a corner that is best seen from different parts of the room.

The photo shows the interior of a classic living room with a fireplace located in the corner.

Fireplace in the center of the living room

Island fireplaces are rare, but they have a very interesting look. Such models are mainly used for the design of large rooms. The design is distinguished by the presence of a suspended chimney and the possibility of an excellent view in all directions, therefore it most often plays the role of a central element of the living room interior.

A fireplace placed in the middle is visually distinguished by color or finish and the main pieces of furniture are placed around it.

Fireplace between windows

It is an effective way of positioning. However, this option has its drawback: due to heating of the outer wall, a certain amount of heat will be lost. The disadvantage will be solved by the thermal insulation of this zone.

A fireplace installed between two French windows will look beautiful. Frontal or corner placement between two window openings of different sizes is also appropriate.

The photo shows a fireplace portal between two windows in a fusion-style hall design.

Between two doors

A hearth located between two doorways may not be a very convenient option for a living room. Since there is usually a relaxation zone around the fireplace portal, family members constantly passing by can interfere with a comfortable rest. Therefore, before arranging such a fireplace, you should carefully consider the layout and furnishings of the room.

Fireplace on a free wall

The most traditional solution. It is better to place the fireplace insert near the inner walls to keep warm in the house. A portal with an open flame must not be built near wooden objects.

Shelves and niches

For those who have a place above the fireplace and the portal itself, they do not allow their fantasies to roam properly, a suitable decor for shelves and niches in the fireplace area can be a great idea. If they are available, of course. You can place anything on them: candles, books, decorative dishes, photographs, figurines and much more.

Living room with decorative fireplace

A fireplace without a chimney can be installed in the living room at any time. It does not require any reinforcement of the walls, no permission to organize a chimney, no additional ventilation, no rebuilding of the walls. This category includes electric fireplaces, bio fireplaces, as well as decorative structures that imitate only a portal.

The interior design of a living room with a decorative electric fireplace is organized according to the same principles as with a wood or gas fireplace. This model is an efficient heater and can very well simulate a real live flame.

The photo shows the design of an electric fireplace in the living room.

The decorative fireplace in the living room does not carry any functional load and is only a design element. Moreover, its design should indicate its resemblance to a real hearth.

Several options are possible:

  • imitation fireplace with candles - the portal is a beautiful niche frame. In the depths, decorative candles, lanterns, and graceful lamps are installed. This is a very romantic design option;
  • woodpile faux fireplace in the living room - a good solution for the style of rustic, rustic, provence. In this case, the niche in the portal is filled with "firewood";
  • a false fireplace in the living room can have the most unusual shapes... Portal made of wood. MDF, artificial stone, plasterboard, tiled, frames a niche for vases with flowers, decorative dishes, figurines;
  • decorative fireplace - bookshelf - a very interesting option for the living room... Of course, the shelves in the niche are not equipped, but the books fill the “hearth”. You can place them in different order, combine them with framed photos, with a globe and more.

In fact, the niche in the portal can be filled with any decorative items, even beautiful stones or toys. It is important to match the content to the style.

Figurines and vases in the decor of the fireplace area

Any voluminous objects look good on the fireplace portal. Various vases and figurines are perfect as such decoration. It is advisable to use elements from the same collection for such a decor. Compositions from such objects look complete and complete.

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Fireplace decor in a modern rustic style

Ordinary dry branches can be a good alternative to fresh flowers in the design of the fireplace area. Decorative compositions from a similar natural material can be made independently, and, unlike flowers, they will not fade after a few days. The composition of dry branches can be supplemented with cones, shoots, a sprig of laurel, dry bark, branches of evergreen plants such as ivy or thuja.

Using any method of decorating a zone by the fireplace, it should be remembered that the portal itself should be the central elements of the entire composition. You should not choose too bright and pretentious elements for the decor. It is only necessary to slightly shade the hearth with items suitable for the style of the interior.

Classification of fireplaces by location

There are many modifications of hearths, so that you can find the optimal model for a hall of any configuration and area. They are classified according to a variety of criteria.

First of all, stationary and mobile products are distinguished:

  • stationary - implies a permanent location. You can install a fireplace in the corner of the living room, in the center of the wall, or even in the center of the room;

The photo shows a fireplace in the living room between the windows.

  • mobile, or portable... This model has a compact size and can be moved to another place. This category includes electric fireplaces without a stationary attachment, biofireplaces. They can be located not only anywhere in the hall, but even on the table between the bay window and the living room.

Stationary hearths are distinguished according to the place of installation:

  • wall fireplace - is built near any wall on any part of the living room. The fireplace looks spectacular between the two windows in the living room, no less interesting is the option when the hearth is located in the center of a blank wall and combined with a TV;
  • built-in - the hearth is placed between the cabinets in the wall, for example, in a niche. In a private dwelling, a fireplace is installed under the stairs in the living room. A very beautiful and unusual model built into a corner - external or internal. In this case, the hearth turns out to be a wall element;

The photo shows the design of a living room with a corner fireplace.

  • the design of the living room with a corner fireplace is no less spectacular... In this case, the hearth not only occupies the usually empty area of ​​the room, but also changes its visual proportions. This feature must be taken into account when decorating a room, for example, to shift a furniture group from the center to the corner;

The photo shows the design of a corner fireplace in the living room.

  • the fireplace in the center of the living room is called island... Such a model, as a rule, is glazed on all sides and is very effective. It can be installed not only in the center, but also anywhere - closer to the corner, in the bay window;

The photo shows a bay window in the living room with a fireplace.

  • rare, but you can also find such an unusual option as a wall-mounted fireplace... This is an electric model that can be mounted on the wall in any suitable place.

If an electrical product or a light biofireplace is to be installed, preliminary planning is not required. To install a wood-burning or built-in fireplace, you need to prepare the walls and floor in advance.

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