How to choose a gas-fired sauna stove

Modern Russian baths no longer correspond to the traditional steam rooms used by our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. This applies to both the interior decoration and the number of rooms in the building, and fuel. In modern realities, a gas stove for a bath is considered an ideal solution.

The owners of the baths are ready to sacrifice the unique smell of wood burning and replace the traditional stove with gas boilers. This is due to the fact that a gas bath, namely its operation, is much cheaper. In addition, the gas burner for the bath is easy to operate.

People who decide to install modern gas burners for sauna stoves in the steam room should be aware of the types of such heating devices, the peculiarities of their use and installation rules.

An attempt to operate a gas stove for a bath without such knowledge can end in disaster both for the building itself and for its owner.

Main advantages

Traditional wood-burning stoves installed in a bath are good, especially with free access to fuel. In any other situation, an economical gas stove in a bath can be an excellent alternative to a solid fuel boiler. Its installation is straightforward. The main thing is to follow all the necessary rules and precautions.

According to statistics, gas boilers for baths are the sales leaders among all types of heating devices installed in steam rooms. This is due to the fact that their benefits are undeniable:

  • Compactness. Gas stoves for saunas and baths do not have a bulky firebox and an ash collection compartment, so they take up a minimum of space in the room.
  • Optimum temperature. The gas sauna stove allows you to regulate the temperature level. All that is needed is to set the optimal mode.
  • Ease of operation. The gas sauna stove does not require any special maintenance. Its operation does not imply ash pan cleaning and fuel burnout control.

The main disadvantage is the rather high frequency of emergencies. They are caused by the installation of uncertified equipment and violation of operating standards.

If you choose a stove wisely and do not violate safety precautions, then gas burners will serve in the normal mode for tens of years.

Features of the choice of an electric oven

How to choose a stove for a bath

Heaters - photo

Advantages of electric heaters

Electric sauna stoves have many advantages.

  1. Firstly, they are compact - an average electric heater, under any circumstances, will take up less useful area than a gas and, moreover, a solid fuel unit.
  2. Secondly, they are very easy to use. As noted, the user has access not only to the ability to control temperature and humidity indicators, but also to organize full automation.
  3. Thirdly, they do not imply a chimney arrangement. In view of this, the direct installation of the furnace will require a much more modest financial investment in comparison with other possible types of units.
  4. Fourthly, in a steam room with an electric stove it will always be clean: you can forget about ash, smoke and dust.
  5. Fifth, modern electric heaters from trusted manufacturers last longer when compared with simple solid fuel devices of a similar price category.
  6. Sixth, the electric stove is extremely easy to use. The user is only required to turn on the device and wait a little.

And with regard to the choice of the place for installing the stove, there are no significant restrictions - it can be placed at least near the wall, at least in the center of the room.

How to choose a stove for a bath

Harvia globe

Electric heaters also win with regard to safety issues: a well-thought-out and well-organized cycle of work, the presence of sensitive automation and protective shutdown devices allow minimizing the likelihood of all sorts of troubles inherent in devices operating on the principle of fuel combustion.

How to choose a stove for a bath

Sauna electric heater device

For maximum ease of use, many models of electric sauna stoves are equipped with built-in or, even better, remote controls.

How to choose a stove for a bath

Electric heater KIVI PI70 remote control included (Harvia)

How to choose a stove for a bath

Electric heater control

How to choose a stove for a bath

Electronic touch control panel

It takes relatively little time to warm up the steam room with an electric heater, and the resulting heat is characterized by softness and uniformity.

Prices for different models of electric heaters

electric heater

Main selection criteria

The main parameters that need to be taken into account when choosing an electric sauna stove are given below.

  1. The volume of the serviced room and the required system capacity. Recommendations for calculating this moment were discussed earlier.
  2. Control and regulation elements. As noted, the control panel of the electric furnace can be built-in or remote. Here, everyone must decide for himself what is more convenient for him.
  3. Heater characteristics. One of the most important points. Modern sauna heaters are equipped with heating elements, tape and combined heating devices. The heating element (tubular) can be heated to very high temperatures, but it serves relatively little. If you decide to buy a stove with a heating element heater, make sure that it is made of a stainless alloy.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Tubular electric heater

    Belt devices are characterized by higher rates of heating, environmental friendliness and efficiency, while they do not burn air as much as heating elements "brothers", and they last much longer.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Ceramic tape heating element

    Combined versions combine heaters of the two mentioned types. For the price, they are the most expensive, but they provide the fastest indicators of speed and temperature of heating the serviced room.

  4. Design. Electric ovens can have a wide variety of sizes, shapes and design features. With regard to these points, the decision remains with the purchaser.
  5. Exterior material. The stove can be either dressed in a beautiful metal case, or decorated with natural stone, for example, talcochlorite or talcomagnesite.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Facing with talcum powder

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Talcomagnesite cladding

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Coil heater

    The use of cladding not only improves the external qualities of the stove, but also has important practical functions, namely: it increases the user's protection from the effects of IF radiation, promotes the accumulation of heat, eliminates convection temperature drops, ensures the creation of an ideal uniform thermal background, and has a positive effect on the human body.

Important! When planning to purchase an electric sauna stove, ask the seller to show a certificate of compliance with the requirements for such systems and fire safety parameters. In the absence of such, it is strongly recommended to refrain from buying a stove.

In more detail, the nuances of choosing an electric furnace for a bath and recommendations for its installation were considered in the corresponding publication of our website.

Furnace complete set

Gas bath stoves have a rather simple structure:

  • a burner is installed in the housing, to which a gas pipe is hermetically connected;
  • a water tank is located above the burner, which is an integral part of the heat exchange and heating system;
  • a tray for the heater is installed on top of the body.It should be understood that the performance indicators of gas and wood-burning stoves are significantly different, therefore, for the heater, you need to use cobblestones from the river or seabed. Thanks to the combustion of gas, the stove can be heated up to 200 degrees. This, coupled with the ingress of water on it, can lead to a quick failure of the heater. River and sea stones, unlike others, are capable of enduring such influences;
  • in addition to the tray for the heater, there is an outlet on top of the gas stove body, a chimney is connected to it;
  • for gas stoves for a bath with a water tank and models that do not have this element of the heat exchange system, there is a fuse in the design that is responsible for automatically turning off the gas supply when the fire is extinguished.

Having studied the design of the device, you can understand that a gas oven for a bath with your own hands is a reality. You can assemble it yourself. The exception is burners that must be purchased from a trusted manufacturer.

Features of choosing a wood stove

Traditional wood-burning stoves have a fairly simple design, the list of the main elements of which includes: an ash pan, a firebox, gas ducts, a stove and a chimney. Additionally, the composition includes accompanying elements that increase the functionality, safety and ease of use of the furnace.

How to choose a stove for a bath

Wood-burning sauna stove device

For example, the stove can be equipped with a water heating tank. It is very convenient if it is placed on the chimney - the heat of the exhaust gases will not just fly away through the pipe, but heat the water in the tank. The space of the steam room is heated by stones and walls of the furnace body.

How to choose a stove for a bath

Stove with water tank

How to choose a stove for a bath

Stove with a chimney tank

The order of bookmarking firewood may vary depending on the features of a particular model. There are few options.

  1. Internal bookmark. Fuel is loaded into the stove directly in the steam room.
  2. Outside bookmark. Fuel loading is carried out from adjacent rooms.

How to choose a stove for a bath

The stove in which firewood is laid from the dressing room

The existing varieties of wood-burning stoves can be classified according to several main indicators. More about them.

Design features

Wood stoves can vary significantly in terms of their design features. The classification is shown in the table.

Table. Constructional variations of wood-burning sauna stoves

ClassicThe stones are placed exclusively on top. The firebox is completed with either a glass or an ordinary blank metal door.
MeshA feature of this category of furnaces is that the casing in them looks like a mesh assembled from metal rods.
With pre-installed steam generatorSuch ovens are equipped with a special container. The user can pour water into it for further use to create steam.
With water tankIt does not need a separate introduction - the design is completed with a tank for preparing hot water.

Principle of operation

In accordance with the peculiarities of their functioning, wood-burning sauna stoves can be classified into the following groups:

  • long heating ovens. They work using a relatively small amount of stones, separated from the firebox by means of a metal sheet. In most cases, stones do not heat up more than 350 degrees. Professionals do not advise watering them with water - there is a high risk of emission of soot particles into the surrounding air;
  • intermittent heating furnaces. These units are loaded with a lot of stones. The partition mentioned in the previous paragraph is absent - the stones are heated by the forces of an open flame. You can safely add water - soot will not be thrown away. Ideal for a private steam room.
  • Manufacturer

    There is a truly impressive assortment of sauna stoves on the modern market - there are plenty to choose from.And the instructions for self-laying / welding of stoves allow you to make the unit on your own, saving money. How to proceed - everyone has the right to decide independently, focusing on the available budget and personal preferences.

    We, based on feedback from real users, can suggest paying attention to the products of two industry leaders.

    First, there are Harvia ovens.

    How to choose a stove for a bath


    A huge range of models, many stoves with different functionality and design - you can easily choose an option that fully meets your needs and expectations.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Harvia stoves - high quality and stylish design

    The manufacturer offers both traditional floor units and designer wall and corner variations. Harvia products are of very high quality, trouble-free operation and long service life. For the manufacture of furnaces for such stoves, modern high-strength steel is used, the thickness of the upper part of which is 1 cm or more, which is a guarantee of the highest possible strength of the stove and its long service life.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Harvia wood burning stoves

    For the outer coating of the body of branded furnaces, a patented fire-resistant paint is used, which retains its original quality characteristics at a high level for a long time. The assortment of the same manufacturer includes many additional elements that are ideally combined with branded ovens and contribute to a significant increase in their functionality.

    Harvia wood stoves prices

    wood-burning stoves Harvia

    Downloads - information about Harvia ovens

    Harvia oven connection instructions


    Secondly, these are Helo solid fuel stoves.

    How to choose a stove for a bath


    The assortment of the company includes both budget options and luxury models for true connoisseurs. The best stainless steel is traditionally used to make the outer walls of branded ovens.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Helo ovens

    The highlight of many models is the door with an insert made of heat-resistant glass - you can follow the combustion process while enjoying the sight of the flame, which creates a wonderful relaxing atmosphere. For the heating of most stoves of this brand, not only firewood, but also peat briquettes are suitable. You can choose a stove with a water tank installed either above the stove or using remote technology.

    How to choose a stove for a bath

    Wood burning stove HELO

    In more detail, metal, as well as brick solid fuel bath stoves have already been considered in the relevant publications of our website.

    How to choose a gas stove

    If the time has come to replace the wood-burning stove with a modern heating device, then its choice should be approached with all responsibility.

    Gas burners for a bath are called "Bombs" for a reason. This is due to the fact that unlucky buyers trust sellers and purchase devices of dubious origin, the result of which are explosions, fires, burns and even death. Because of this, there is a myth among the people about the danger of gas heating appliances.

    Often, the reason for the above emergencies is the desire to save money and buy burners or a stove as cheaply as possible. Gas heating devices should be chosen according to certain rules:

    • firstly, each burner has a certain fuel consumption, which determines the economy and power of the furnace. To find out it, you need to read the description in the instructions for use. For a small bath, a device is suitable, the technical characteristics of which state that the fuel consumption is 1-4 cubic meters per hour;
    • secondly, all assembled gas ovens, as well as burners sold separately, have documents confirming quality and safety standards. If the sellers do not have them, then it is better to bypass this store;
    • thirdly, in the steam room, it is unacceptable to operate burners and boilers with damage, leaking connections and an expired shelf life.In other words, gas ovens for a bath should be in perfect condition.

    During operation, gas ovens must be prevented. This measure is mandatory. This rule must be followed strictly. Failure to comply significantly increases the risk of an emergency.

    Gas stove heating and what is it?

    In terms of practicality and economy, gas stoves are only slightly inferior to solid fuel stoves. In gas ovens, the flame of the burner, which is mounted in the combustion chamber, acts as a heat source. If the device runs on bottled gas, you can fill the container at any filling station.

    gas stove heating

    To save fuel and automatically regulate the operation of the unit, a control system is installed. Thanks to it, a constant temperature can be maintained in the room. Using a gas oven, you can equip water heating at home. To do this, you need to install a coil with a circulating coolant inside. The most popular are combination ovens that can operate on different types of fuel.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A gas oven for home has the following advantages:

    1. When using bottled gas, you can conclude an agreement with the gas service for regular refueling of the container. This will ensure you don't forget to refill your empty bottle.
    2. A gas stove can significantly save money, because gas is much cheaper than electricity.
    3. Modern models of such furnaces are distinguished by economical fuel consumption and high efficiency.
    4. A special system can be installed to control the operation of the equipment. This will allow you to control the operation of the device from a distance using a mobile phone.
    5. Only carbon dioxide is produced as a combustion product, so the chimney does not need to be cleaned of soot.
    6. Due to its non-volatility, the device can be operated in areas with power outages.
    7. To install the unit, you do not need to allocate a separate room, as well as a place for storing fuel.
    8. Simple operation and minimal maintenance are additional benefits of stove heating.
    9. The warranty period for such devices is 10 years, but in practice they will last even longer.

    gas heating stove

    The disadvantages of gas stove heating are as follows:

    • if we compare a gas heating stove with solid fuel appliances, then the cost of buying fuel is required, while firewood can be harvested independently;
    • when connecting the furnace to the main gas, you need to order a project from a licensed organization and go through an agreement with the gas service;
    • after connecting to the main gas network, the system must pass acceptance.

    Gas-wood boiler

    For those who cannot imagine visiting a steam room without the unique smell of burning firewood and who wants to save money on the operation of the bath, a gas-wood stove can be an ideal solution.

    Such a heating device is a modern universal design, which allows the use of various types of fuel: natural and liquefied gas, coal and firewood. This is possible due to the fact that such stoves have removable elements required for operation on solid fuels and gas.

    Devices designed for gas combustion consist of burners, filters and various valves. At the same time, a fuel receiver is needed to operate a solid fuel furnace. Such heating devices are not new to the modern market. They were operated back in Soviet times. A striking example of this is the OGV (heating gas water heating) boiler.

    The equipment required for gas combustion is installed in the ash pan of the furnace. If it is dismantled, then the boiler will function properly on solid fuel.

    Gas-wood stoves are very popular not only because of their versatility.Their cost is at an acceptable level, which is an important factor for bath owners.

    Installation rules for gas ovens

    The process of installing gas-fired heating devices must be approached as responsibly as possible. Not only the efficiency of functioning depends on the correct installation, but also the safety of people visiting the bathhouse.

    Experienced specialists with extensive experience in this area should work with gas ovens. Having entrusted the installation of a gas boiler to a professional, the installation process should still be monitored. When carrying out such work, you need to pay attention to the following things:

    • the distance from the wall to the stove must be at least 50 mm. In this case, all surfaces parallel to the walls of the boiler are made of non-combustible materials or sheathed with such;
    • the refractory base of the boiler must protrude at least 100 mm from its edges;
    • the height of the connector for the burner without a cover should vary from 470 to 550 mm, with a cover - from 615 to 680 mm, width - from 350 to 450 mm and from 515 to 665 mm, respectively.

    Particular attention should be paid to the chimney. The gas oven is connected to the chimney with stainless steel pipes. In this case, the elbows of the pipes must enter each other by at least half a diameter.

    The gas boiler is installed simultaneously in the steam room and the dressing room. The front side with burners should be located in the dressing room. This eliminates the possibility of fire extinction due to water ingress. A boiler with water and a heater are placed in the steam room.

    A prerequisite for the operation of a gas oven is the presence of a hood and windows with vents in the dressing room. Doors must open outward. The length of the chimney must be at least 5 meters.

    If the chimney is made of different materials, for example, stainless steel pipes are attached to the stove, and then the channel is made of brick, then the junction must be completely sealed. This location in the heating system should be checked as often as possible.

    Power is the main criterion for choosing a stove for a bath

    The stove can be maintained in any size range, run on different fuels and have a wide variety of designs, but first of all, 2 key requirements are imposed on it:

    • optimal power for a particular steam room;
    • installation in accordance with approved rules and regulations.
    • How to choose a stove for a bath

      The characteristics of some ovens, including the power

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      Some models of wood-burning stoves Ermak

      Power is the first thing to look for when choosing a stove. It is pointless to give any specific universal figures - in principle, it is impossible. The main thing is that this indicator is optimal for a particular case.

      Already at this stage, many developers make a big mistake by purchasing a stove unit with a large power reserve, hoping that this will reduce the time spent on heating the steam room. Yes, the room will heat up faster, but then the oven will switch to the minimum operating mode. The result is one - the air will be hot, the stones - cold. It is pointless to pour water on insufficiently heated stones - steam in such conditions either does not form at all, or it will go in clubs, like from a teapot. And in the bath, as you know, the steam should be transparent and light, otherwise being in the steam room will become extremely unpleasant or simply impossible.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      Sauna heater - photo

      Another extreme is a mistake - the installation of a low-power unit with the aim of a banal reduction in the total costs of arranging a steam room. Even if a low-power oven heats up the room to the required level, for this it will have to "work hard" to the maximum. What do you think happens to a system that is constantly running out of steam? That's right, it breaks down very quickly.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      Choose a heater with sufficient power

      Important note! It is possible not to pay attention to such an indicator as the power of the heat source only in the case of the construction of a hamam (Turkish steam room), in which there is no stove in its classical sense.But we are talking specifically about the bath, therefore we are considering units designed for operation in its conditions.

      So what is the optimal power? The instructions for any factory-made furnace indicate 2 parameters of interest to us at this stage:

    • power, usually measured in kW;
    • the volume of the steam room, which will be able to qualitatively service the oven of the declared power.
    • How to choose a stove for a bath

      Select the power of the heater according to the size of the steam room.

      To save ourselves from complicated long-term calculations, let's go the simplest way: determine the volume of the steam room and, starting from it, set the required power.

      First step. We calculate the volume of the paired room. To do this, we need to measure its length, width, and height. Then we multiply the numbers obtained, thus finding the volume indicator. If the project documentation has been preserved, we turn to it and save ourselves from this stage of calculation. Let's say the length of our steam room is 2 m, the width is 1.5 m, and the height is 2.2 m. The volume of this room will be 6.6 m3.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      We calculate the volume of the steam room. For convenience, you can use the project of your bath

      Second step. We carefully examine the walls and ceiling. Here we need to determine if there are non-insulated areas on them, for example, masonry, tile cladding, double-glazed windows, etc. We consider the area of ​​each such section (we multiply the length and width). Let's summarize the obtained values. For example, we have a 60x60 cm window and a 100x100 cm tile cladding. The calculation is as follows:

      (0.6x0.6) + (1x1) = 1.36 m2.

      The resulting number is multiplied by a factor of 1.2 - this gives us a new value equal to 1.632. We add to the volume of the steam room and we get 8.232.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      When calculating, we take into account the cladding, door material, the number of windows and other aspects

      Step three. If the door to the steam room is made of glass, increase the final number from the previous step by 1.5. The result is 9,732.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      In the presence of a glass door, we increase the design coefficient

      Thus, the stove must be designed to heat 9.732 m3. Here is a very important note: in the accompanying instructions for the furnaces, working volumes are indicated in the intervals, for example, 4-9 m3. In our example, it is reasonable to purchase a stove with some margin, for example, a 7-12 m3 unit will work well, while a 5-10 m3 stove resource will not be enough.

      When determining the required optimal power in kW, it is customary to adhere to the pattern, according to which 1 kW of power is consumed per 1 m3 of space.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      We pay attention to the characteristics and choose the optimal model

      Important! In order for the heater to cope successfully with the maintenance of the room of the volume declared by the manufacturer, load it with exactly the number of stones recommended in the accompanying instructions.

      How to choose a stove for a bath

      Do not exceed the recommended volume of stones

    ( 2 grades, average 4 of 5 )

